Thursday 14 March 2013

A new goverment

Following ageneral election on 6th may, britain now has a new goverment and the new prime minister is david cameron and the conservativer have tended to favoure the free market ,privatization and low taxation .
in general election the conservatives won 36% of the votes and 306 seats from 650 even that they need some some support .
in british system the country is divided into 650 seats called constituencies

the lib dems argue that the electoral system is unfair and many british people also

the welsh assembly

The reason of creadate the national assmbley is to give the people of wales the chance to vote for the new laws and thats gives wales lot of changes after the referedum for example the control of dogs bill and the purpose of the bill is to encourge responsible ownership and thats will ensure that dogs ars under controal so the welsh goverment will focous on the actions and behaviour of dogs .
fainly that bill becames to a new law in welsh

team work

In my opinion team work one of the most important thing that every student have to do it in a good way and thats will help them to learn more from other student and i learn so much about team work this week when i work with tow diffrent group , however there were lot of diffrent between those tow group .

Firstly, the first group was with tow student from my country and the good thing that it was so easy to undersdunt from them but the bad thing was that they use lot of arabicwords and i think that wasthe only disadvantage

Secondly, the other group was with three student from china it was so hard to understund srom them but the good thing was that they try hard to help me and in the end i learn from them lot of things .

Fainly, i think that in the next time i will join a mix group from diffrent country so thhats will help to learn more by diffrent ways .

Wednesday 13 March 2013

time manegment

time manegment are one of the most importnat thing that we have to do it and turn it to habet, so the quation now did i am a good enought with my time manegment to ccomplet with my life with out find any problem because of my time manegment the answer is that i dont think so and thats because lot of reasons one of the most important reasons of them is that i am so bad in mange my sleeping time and thats turn my next day to a realley hard day starts with being late to the class and end with going so tired to my flat , however the best thing that i have to do is to go to my bed early every day and if i do it every day then i will consider my self as agood time manegment